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Baby Dove


Cantu for Kids

 Being that I have such sensitive skin, my little one has inherited that from me unfortunately. I have used Dove faithfully for years and is the only product line that helps me not be itchy and irritated throughout the day. Dove baby saved the day when Caiden was born, we tried using other brands but his skin just didn't respond well to it. With Dove it leaves 0 residue on his skin, it is still baby bottom smooth all over and no irritation in site. I am even guilty of using the lotion at times. As an infant I would wash his hair with the tip to toe wash and his baby locks felt glorious. So from our bathroom to yours, it is an amazing product that we will continue to use it. 

We started using Cantu Kids when Caiden was about six months old, I started out with the curling cream product to have his curls more look more defined and less frizzy. Mommy's let me tell you! This line has responded so well for my curly haired baby. It is manageable  and wash day is not a hassle because it is tear free.  I couldn't believe how defined and soft his hair was just after the shampoo alone. I follow up with Jamaican black castor oil to moisturize afterwards and apply it daily. I have noticed so much hair growth since using this product and I am now a lifer. Thank you Cantu!

My Favorite Go To Products

After big chopping my hair I had to reevaluate my hair products.  I needed moisture and manageability stat!  I am in love! love! love! with the Shea Moisture line! I feel like their products has everything for your hair that you are in need of without the harmful ingredients. My absolute favorite shampoo is the Jamaican black castor oil shampoo, it has peppermint, apple cider vinegar and Shea butter which leaves my hair  with an ultra shine and softness. My hair is super thick so these products above help with taming. I go back and forth with using the Jamaican black castor oil and the Smooth and Tame line. You also can't forget a good leave in conditioner and that is cantu, it  doesn't leave my hair dry and hard over time which is a major plus. After washing, conditioning and applying my leave in conditioner I love to use the black castor oil as a sealant to keep my hair moisturized. I also love to apply black castor oil every night. During the summer I loved using the Shea moisture co wash when dealing with product build up and needed to refresh. Another gem that I find to really help with texture and manageability would have to be bentonite healing clay mixed with apple cider vinegar, I  like to add extra virgin olive oil and some honey as a leave in before conditioning for 20-30 min (make sure hair is damp before applying) I do this once a month and just condition afterwards. Bentonite clay aids with hair growth, removes toxins from hair and so mcuh more(please conduct your own research before using)

The Balancing Act

In any aspect of life it involves balancing. Let me just be honest, I suck at it! and I have to work at it daily. I have to make daily goals in order to feel like I am making sure all my responsibilities and loved ones are taken care of. My husband would always say I  take on too much and can't say NO! which can leave me over exhausted. As a new Mom that works from home and takes care of my baby solely, I can get burned out especially when my toddler boycotts nap time. I get zero time for myself or my daily task, then my husband gets home after he has a long day of work and I am PISSED! which isn't fair to him at all or for my psyche. There needed to be a change and that change was for me to get more organized and intentional about my day. My first priority is to make sure that I have time with God, giving him my day. That helps with the anxiety and stress of what I may have ahead for the day. Next, have breakfast and a good one at that. It is the most important meal of the day and if I skip it, I will be very hangry (angry and hungry). Then after those two very vital things I work out, take a walk with my baby or a work out routine to ensure  I get in a physical activity. Those are my  top three things of the day, now sometimes my day doesn't go as planned there after but I make sure that I eat, had time with God and took care of my temple. I am able to rearrange my day to work with my toddler and or ask for help when needed. I think my biggest challenge when dealing with being so unbalanced is not asking for help when I needed it. I suffered in silence because of pride and thinking I could do it all and I was barley getting the bare minimum taken care of. My advice to you is find what helps you feel balanced, things that help you feel at peace. It might not be my top three must to things but find it out for your mental health, the health of your relationships and for the success of your endeavors.

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