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Since giving birth to my son a little over a year ago, I've contemplated this big chop. I hear it is not a good idea to make permanent decisions before you are six months post partum, so I waited and the urge ultimately went away. Within this past year my hair has flourished and grown so beautifully while remaining it's natural thickness but within the last 2-3 months I noticed it being significantly uneven on one side. So I went to my hair stylist for what I thought was a long overdue trim, in return I noticed after all that heat and product she applied it became limp, dry and dead at the ends. So I resorted to #TEAMNOHEAT trying protective styling, overnight deep conditioning sessions, more new natural hair products and the list goes on to all the money I've wasted in the process of me trying to save it. On top of that I began to experience delayed post partum shedding with my hormones being all out of whack from breastfeeding. All of this sounds like a full time job right? It was and it consumed my life, my time and energy of thinking what to do next. It started to affect how I viewed my beauty, if my hair looked awful so did I which then started to affect my confidence. All I would hear is "girl if the hair is right then everything else doesn't matter." I began to spend way too much time and energy on something so small. It became more about the hair then it was about me, just a distraction. It took me so long after debating in my mind why I shouldn't just chop it off. Post big chop, I feel free and empowered without feeling I need to apply a quick weave to hide behind, I don't have to hide behind depending on the beauty of a hairstyle. I am authentically me with no weave, no braids, no clip ins, no braid outs, no blow out and no protective styles! Just Tahana being Napily Ever After.

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